Below are descriptions of the methods of funding we can offer to fund your new glazing van. Please note we have compiled this information to assist you in choosing the correct funding option, we can not make the decision for you. If you are unsure you should it is essential that you consult with your accountant before making a decision. All information is supplied as a guide and we can not be held responsible for any change in legislation. Hire Purchase | Contract Hire | Leasing | Full Payout Lease
HIRE PURCHASE Typical Example - New Commercial Vehicle Please note typical administration fees apply at £250 on the 1st payment and £150 on the final payment.
CONTRACT HIRE Contract Hire is one of the simplest ways to finance a vehicle on a fixed budget, with no gambling on future residual values. You simply decide the time you'd like to keep the vehicle, the mileage you expect to cover and whether or not you would like the vehicles maintenance to be included in your monthly payment. Contract Hire can begin with a deposit equal to three monthly payments, so a new vehicle doesn't impact too much on your cash flow. Under contract hire agreements the title of the vehicle remains with the hiring company so your vehicle will not appear on your balance sheet. - Fixed maintenance costs and protection from depreciation (The largest unknown cost of running any vehicle) If you choose to take up the maintenance option on a contract hire plan, all servicing will be included at the manufacturer's recommended intervals as well as replacement tyres and exhausts. The road fund licence is usually included for both maintenance and non-maintenance options depending on the finance company. Should you find your circumstances alter your anticipated mileage, your monthly payments can be adjusted to avoid excess mileage charges. Maintenance options can also include repairs, punctures, replacement vehicle and breakdown cover. Disadvantages In Our Opinion
LEASING (With Final Balloon) Lease finance offers the benefits of acquiring a vehicle on low monthly rentals that are offset against final larger Balloon payment - an agreed figure that is matched to the anticipated residual value at the end of the finance term. Due to the nightmare situation in the past, these forecast figures are now more conservative and provided your mileage is accurate and the van in good condition you should not find yourself with negative equity. The legal title of the vehicle remains with the lessor. The initial rental for a lease finance agreement can be as little as 3 month's payments. - Low monthly rentals offset by a final larger payment that is covered by the vehicle's future residual value. The end of term Balloon payment is fixed at the beginning of the agreement so right from the start you know exactly what your future financial commitments will be. On payment of this final figure, you take charge of the collateral within the vehicle with no further financial commitments. However, most businesses will of course want a new, replacement vehicle. This is usually done by raising the Balloon payment with the sale of the existing vehicle before funding it's replacement with a new lease finance agreement. If the figure raised from the sale of the vehicle is greater that the final payment, the difference is yours. Disadvantages
In Our Opinion
FULL PAYOUT LEASE You can have a Full Payout Lease that reduces the outstanding balance to zero over a 2 to 5 year period. - No large deposit to find Disadvantages In Our Opinion
Important Information 1. Arrange Sale/Part Exchange of the vehicle to a third party because you cannot have the tax efficiency of the rental and ownership. You arrange the sale, the sales invoice comes from the finance company, but you collect the cheque and retain 90% of the amount. 2. You are also able to enter a secondary rental period known as a peppercorn rental. You can pay an equivalent to 1 monthly rental, but annually for a maximum of 2 years which effectively delays the need to sell the vehicle but still acts as a rental. However, you will still have to sell the vehicle at the end of the period. As in option 1, normally at a very low figure.
Please note we have compiled this information to assist you in choosing the correct funding option, we can not make the decision for you. If you are unsure you should it is essential that you consult with your accountant before making a decision. All information is supplied as a guide and we can not be held responsible for any change in legislation. |
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02920 499984 |
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